CACCWA Small Business Resiliency Network
In partnership with the Department of Labor & Industries

Department of Labor & Industries Small Business Help
The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) sets certain rules and requirements for small businesses and nonprofits to operate safely. Navigating these requirements can be challenging. If you are interested in better understanding requirements related to workers’ compensation, safety requirements, recordkeeping, and other business essentials, please contact an L&I Small Business Liaison, below, as well as reviewing the website.
Email: SmallBusiness@LNI.WA.GOV
Toll-Free: 1-800-987-0145
Alerts from Labor & Industries
Consumer Alert: Washington state small business owners are targeted by scams requesting payment for certificates and posters. Any Washingtonians who received letters from WA Certificate Service or Labor Poster Compliance asking them to pay for either a Certificate of Status, Certificate of Existence, or “labor law poster” should contact the Attorney General’s Office immediately. You can file a complaint online at or call the office toll-free at 1-800-551-4636. Read more here.
New Legislation Provides Tax Relief to Employers: During the 2022 legislative session, legislators passed a bill that provides tax relief to employers in Washington. Senate Bill 5873 (SB 5873) reduces the unemployment social tax rate for most employers in 2022 and 2023. It also reduces the 2023 social tax rates for employers who report 10 or fewer employees for the fourth quarter of 2021. As a result of this change, the Employment Security Department will recalculate employer tax rates for 2022.
Other tax relief for employers: Previous legislation provided additional unemployment insurance tax relief for eligible employers in 2022. For more information about unemployment taxes, go to
Lunch & Learn: Webinars for Employers The lunch and learn series will run through December 2022. The webinars feature program experts and include dedicated Q&A time. All webinars are online and free. Questions? Contact Leigh Rowley at
Required Workplace Posters: Employers are legally required to display certain posters in their workplace to inform employees of their rights and responsibilities. You may order these posters or download them for free by visiting their website. Learn more here
Employer Guide to Workers’ Rights: Learn about the workplace rules and regulations enforced by the Employment Standards Program. Visit the Training Center to learn more
Small Business Requirements & Resources (SBRR): Free Workshops These free, one-hour webinars will provide a strong foundation of registration, licensing, and other regulatory requirements to start or grow your business. You’ll connect with the Small Business Liaison Team who will also provide information about many free or low-cost assistance programs. Explore and Register
Rules and Regulations
Workers Compensation
Workers’ compensation insurance (also known as Industrial Insurance) provides wage replacement and medical benefits to workers injured on the job. Workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance, which means in most cases your business cannot be sued when a work-related injury or illness occurs.
Record Keeping and Reporting
State law requires every employer to keep records that will allow the department to compute premiums. These records must be open for examination by the department. Failure to maintain these records will result in penalties subject to WAC 296-17-35201 ($250 per worker). To properly document hours reported on quarterly reports, maintain the following records for three full calendar years following the year in which employment occurred.
Top-10 Rule Violations
This information can help strengthen your workplace safety program and prevent costly injuries and illnesses. When available, resource pages provide links to safety & health publications, videos, presentations, data, sample programs, and other resources.
Provide Safety training
These training materials provide basic awareness education on the subjects they cover. Some modules may be used for employee training, but do not meet training requirements specified in L&I rules. For rule-specified training, see the L&I training kits.
Required Posters
Free PDF of required posters provided by L&I. By law, employers must post each notice where employees can read them.
“Notice to Employees”:
“Job safety and health law”:
“Your rights as a worker”:
Covid-19 Related Resources
As of Aug. 23, 2021, businesses are required to follow face covering requirements in accordance with the Secretary of Health’s face covering order for all individuals, vaccinated or not, in indoor public spaces. Here is a link to a free PDF form of the requirements and guidance for preventing Covid-19.
Services and Provision
Forms and Publications
L&I provide free orderable forms and publication, many of which have the option of being in other languages including Cambodian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Filipino.
Employer Assistance Program
L&I can work with you if your business is financially distressed due to the economic downturn caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic and has not paid its most recent quarterly workers’ compensation premiums.
Businesses can request their payment be deferred for up to 90 days or ask for a 90-day payment plan. Either way, the delayed payments will be penalty and interest free.
L&I Verify Tool
Use our Verify tool to see if a business you want to work with has an active contractor registration; an active and paid-to-date workers’ comp account covering any employees. At the same time, you can check for safety violations, other information, lawsuits against their surety bond and more.
About Us
Our Small Business Resiliency Network Team consists of our Program Director and two Program Coordinators. The SBRT is dedicated to supporting local Khmer small businesses by connecting them with resources, education, and catered support. If you have a specific question, please do not hesitate to contact one of our SBRT members!